Can we please meet you?
My name is Benita Okojie Adeyina. I am a graduate of English language at the Redeemers University. I’m the first daughter and the second child of my family (family of 6). My Dad is deceased. I am happily married and God has been faithful.

What inspires you?
God really is my source of inspiration. I am inspired by his creation, the mountains and the season; how beautiful they are. When I see things I can’t explain for example the whole process of pregnancy, how a woman carries a child for 9 months also inspires me. People’s experiences also have been a source of inspiration, how they have been able to overcome them. Life generally, all the things going on also help me know what the centre of our lives should be and that is Christ. My mom’s strength, courage and dedication to God and bringing up her children in the ways of even after losing my dad inspires me.

What’s your major challenge doing gospel music and did you overcome it?
My major challenge is funding. As a gospel artist people say that you are doing the work of God and you don’t necessarily need funding. What they don’t realise is that you need to record, do videos, and get a good studio. Basically if there’s no funding how are you going to work with the best hands? When you go for a church program the honourarium cannot be compared to what you would usually spend when working on a project. Because I started at a very young age, a lot of people used to say “She’s too young for the amount she’s asking for, what does she want to use the money for?” But now God has been so faithful financially and has blessed me with the best hands to work with. My husband is also very supportive and pushes me to get the best. Funding is very important from the production to the promotion of the songs, God has also been my promoter and I make sure I pray and fast before I release any song for the world to hear.

How have you remained consistent in your ministry?
It has been the grace of God. I also try to work hard and try to better myself in my ministry. I believe that when God gives you a gift you have to nurture that gift and keep growing so as to remain relevant in whatever season.

How do you manage your relationships with people?
I used to be really bad with reaching out to people but I’m learning now that everybody is important and valuable, you never know who God would use at some point in your life. I prayerfully choose my friends too. Godly friends are very important in the Christian race. I have a few friends and we are very supportive of each other’s ministries and business. We also encourage ourselves in the things of God.

How do you manage family life and work?
I have been married for less than a year. I used to have this fear of how I would combine all when I get married but God’s grace has been sufficient for me. The Bible says that with God all things are possible and we can do all things through Christ that strengthens us. This has been my watch word in my marriage and has kept me from not being overwhelmed. Everyday I try as much as possible to play my role as a virtuous woman and to balance it with my ministry. My husband is also very supportive, it helps when you and your spouse are on the same page. I always take my marriage and my ministry back to God and say “Lord, you are the one that has given me this, please help me through this”

What’s your favorite bible scripture?
Matthew 5 vs 16 “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in Heaven”. It is a reminder that when men look at me it should be a reminder that I truly serve God and I do not turn men away from God with my actions or the way I treat people but rather I bring men to God. Everyday I ask God to help me be a source of light to people.

What event shapened your faith in God?
I think when my dad was ill in 2016. It was a frightening experience as I didn’t know whether he was going to make it. I was home at the time and I remember placing an anointed handkerchief on him and praying for him, I was crying and praying at the same time. This was some months before my wedding. Somehow he regained his consciousness and we were able to take him to the hospital. This strengthened me because I was convinced that he could have passed on at that time. One of my desires was that God should keep him to walk me down the aisle on my wedding day. I saw God preserve him till the wedding and even after the wedding. It was a miracle and I am thankful to God for that. This has strengthened my faith in the place of prayer as I know that God always comes through for me when it matters the most.

How have you been able to take territories for God?
That has been possible through my music. When I get mails or meet people who say “I was struggling with my faith in God and when I listened to your music I found myself back in Christ” or when a Muslim tells me they listen to my song and they know that God is real. Also when I minister in the midst of young people, I know the challenges that young people face so I make altar calls for those of them struggling with their relationship with God. I also pray for every of my loved ones to take territories for Christ and make heaven.

What’s your advice to people who are yet to find purpose?
Patience is very important, don’t be in such a hurry to have a forced purpose. God won’t intentionally withhold your purpose from you. Pray, fast and focus on God asking him to show you your purpose. Do this with a pure heart, he will definitely show you your purpose. You can also read books on fulfilling purpose. Also look out for the things you are passionate about and fuel your passion. In the process of improving and investing in yourself, you would never know if that is how God would reveal your purpose to you. Look for a mentor, someone you see as a great influence and follow them closely even if you don’t have a personal relationship with them, we are in a social media era and you would be able to see the secrets to what is making them successful and that can gradually help you to becoming who God has destined you to become.

Last words…..
It’s my prayer that everyone of us would fulfill our purpose and destiny. Thank you and God bless you.

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