On our February and March Joint and Comprehensive Edition (You didn’t think we would let February off so easily na) of #superwomancorner of Priceless Magazine this lovely season of Love presents us with a very Enterprising and Friendly lady…. A Wife, Mother and Daughter, we would like you to meet Oluwatoyin Aremu.
A lady engraced with wisdom on everything about RELATIONSHIPS (Courtship, marriage, etc- full package), Who has been unstoppable since she discovered her Life’s purpose. The CEO, Visioneer and Founder of Kingdom Elect Youths(A group for developing youths that would invade, influence and impact their generation for Christ through all-round purity), she is also a member of J127 Initiative; Destiny Enablers Foundation (NGO) that helps the needy, spiritually and physically as well as an Inspirational Speaker, Author, Writer and Worker in a well-known Insurance Company.
*Can we please meet you (name, family and academic background).
-My name is Oluwatoyin Aremu, I was born into a family of 8, second to the last born. I attended the then University of Ado Ekiti now Ekiti State University and studied Accounting Education.
*What are your hobbies and interest?
-Hobbies are cooking, playing, and music (listening, dancing and singing). My Interests are in writing, teaching and entrepreneurship.
*What is your source of inspiration?
-God is my major source of inspiration supported by my husband. I feel really happy seeing youths fulfil destiny in God.
*What experiences triggered the discovery of your purpose?
-I have always been a teacher of the Word right from childhood. Growing up I derailed, had ungodly relationships which all ended painfully. So I returned to God battered and shattered knowing that I was no more on the track, not because I wanted to be in a relationship. He accepted me and made me realize that is just how many youths miss it in the place of destiny and never have opportunity for second chance like I had and so I must preach the Word. I received my calling (officially from God smiles) on the 25th of April, 2014.
*What significant change would you say you have noticed in your life since you gave your life to Christ?
-Oh my my! there has been a whole lot of change since I rededicated my life to Christ. The number one change is my fellowship with the Holy Spirit which in turn has touched every other aspect of my life because where He leads I follow. Oh I wish you can open my mind, when the Bible says you will become a new creature, I am a perfect example, I became new in all aspect. I’ll keep that gist for another day *smiles*.
*How did you come about the name ‘Kingdom Elect youth’?
-It was given to me by God, I prayed for a name and He told me ‘Kingdom Elect Youth’.
*What is your favourite bible passage and why?
– 2Timothy 4-That was the bible passage that came alongside my calling and it fits perfectly to what’s going on around us today.
*How have you being able to combine being a daughter, wife, mother, inspirational speaker, article writer and worker in a corporate organization all at once?
-It has just been God, humanly speaking it’s a lot of work and it is challenging but God has been helping me to identify the different roles and work on them without neglecting any part. Even though I am a mother, I must remain a wife to the cute secured man that married me, and thank God for my husband, he has been a big push in making me fulfil destiny (writing articles, taking me to any venue I have to teach, teaching me on how to make office work easy as well) Permit me to just say thank you to him for being my man *smiles*.
I also have mentors and covenant friends or call them kingdom partners who have been supportive, they share their experiences with me and let me know how to strike a balance in all.
* Can you tell us some acts if service you have been involved in for the Kingdom?
-Prison evangelism, children home evangelism (motherless homes), mentorship, several teaching engagements, to mention a few. Don’t forget that you don’t only preach the Word by mouth, you must act the Word too, spiritual leaders please let’s make giving a must.
*Being sexually pure is a major challenge for youths in this era, how do you think one can take a stand to wait?
– It is a thing of the mind, what is the condition of your heart? If youths will yield to the spirit of God, things will be made easier. Yes, temptations will come but if you yield to Him and have the fear of God, you will say like Joseph, how can I do this wicked thing and sin against God. We also need to place value on ourselves, things of value are kept and guarded, you realize you are God’s temple and cannot mess with your body. Also putting in mind that sexual relationships has a lot to do with destiny, how much do you wish to protect yours?
Sex is not, will not and would never be a prerequisite for marriage, I always advise youths to accept Christ and don’t stay at the cross and stare, get busy meaningfully, be godly, find purpose, define all relationships, do not put yourself in a place of compromise or temptation, guard what you read, think and watch, choose good Christian friends that encourages abstinence.
Let me stop here before I write a book on that question *smiles*.
*How do you think the message of relationship and sexual purity can be spread efficiently?
-It begins with you and I, you have known the truth, how many people have you shared it with? How many times have you taken it upon yourself to be concerned about it and to ensure you see growth spiritually and especially in the aspect of sexual relationship? Let those of us that believe see to the salvation of others, we are saved to save others, I use social media a lot, look for such ways too to spread this gospel, be creative with spreading this gospel.
*If you could talk to yourself 5years ago, what would you say?
– Start fulfilling purpose.
*What advice do you have for young ladies especially under 30 who are still struggling to locate their purpose?
– Keep your relationship with God right by accepting Christ first, be prayerful, tell God to show you or tell you your purpose, be busy for God too, being busy for God helps a lot in the quest for purpose discovery.
*Parting words…
-I salute this forum and say a big well-done to everyone involved, God will continually strengthen you and you will not miss it in life.
Youths; let us together take this world for God, settle your relationship with God, don’t rush for a love relationship, place your heart in the hands of God and He will place it in the hands of the right person, let anyone who wants to find you find you in God and purpose. Always remember, someone that is worthy of you will not put you in a position where you will have to sacrifice your integrity and destiny on the altar of sex.
Thank you for the opportunity, remain blessed.